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Category: Biosynthesis of iron-sulfur clusters
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Category: Biosynthesis of iron-sulfur clusters


2. Metabolism

2.6. Additional metabolic pathways

2.6.5. Iron metabolism Biosynthesis of iron-sulfur clusters

fraintracellular iron channeling, biosynthesis of iron-sulfur clusters
sufAassembly of Fe-S clusters
sufBsynthesis of iron-sulfur clusters
sufCsynthesis of Fe-S clusters
sufDsynthesis of Fe-S-clusters
sufSformation of iron-sulfur clusters in proteins
sufUtransfer of sulfur from [protein|search|SufS ]to [protein|5991F051C5BAD61A0860BBC64A37DB9D16130998|SufB]
yitWassembly of iron-sulphur clusters

important publications

  • 30855939